Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chapter 38

Bella's Gown, Shoes, and Jewelry

Edward's Tux

Alice's Dress, Shoes, and Jewelry

Jasper's Tux

Rosalie's Gown, Shoes, and Jewelry

Emmett's Tux

Esme's Gown, Shoes, and Jewelry

Carlisle's Tux

Renee's Dress, Shoes, and Jewelry

Phil's Suit

Fairmont Lobby

Grand Staircase


Friday, July 29, 2011

Chapter 37

Emmett as 'Atlas'

Cora's House

Cullen House Decorated

Edward and Bella's Decorated Cottage

Charlie's Decorated House

Cora's Decorated House

Game Room

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chapter 36

Community Center
Basketball Court

Game Room

Arts and Crafts Room

Kitchen/Dining Area

Movie that Charlie and Cora watched on their date.

Click link for printable version of recipe.


Decorated Community Center

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Chapter 35


Living Room

Bedding and Accessories for Ren's Room

Ren's Room

Additional Wall

Edward and Bella's Bedroom

Additional Bedroom Wall


Bella Handcuffing Edward