Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chapter 47

Pool Play

Esme's Reception/Esme/Miss Todd

Rosalie's Pediatrician Office/Rose/Pamela

Emmett's Reception/Emmett/Evie

Children's Play Area

Alice's Reception Area with Alice and her secretary, Leslie

Jasper's Reception/Deborah

Jasper's Office

Play/Observation Area

Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter 46

New Looks

Bella Watching Edward Outside

Edward and Pamela

Edward and Bella

Monday, August 22, 2011

Chapter 44

The pictures of the houses are on their own page. Some of the rooms in Edward and Bella’s house have been personalized, and the nursery in Carlisle and Esme's home has as well. If I use a room on the main blog, it may be personalized too.

Emmett, Rose, and Ren in Carlisle and Esme's Foyer

Emmett dragging dresses

Edward holding it, so that it wouldn't drag.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chapter 43

Canada Bound

Back in Forks
Jacob scoping out the Cullen house

Jacob in Edward and Bella's cottage

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Chapter 42

Edward, Renesmee, and changing Bella

Bella Lunges for Edward

Bella and Renesmee

Edward and Bella after hunting

Jacob in Jail

Friday, August 5, 2011

Chapter 40

Relaxin' on Couch

Bathroom Scenes

Bringin' in the New Year

Guys Playing Poker